Angus Alive

Telephone: 01307 473 880
Address: Head Office, William Wallace House, Orchardbank Business Park, Forfar, DD8 1WH

The charity ANGUSalive is the culture, sport and leisure trust for the county of Angus and has been operating since 1 December 2015.

ANGUSalive offers residents and visitors to Angus a wealth of services which inspire healthy, active and creative lifestyle choices through the use of our sports centres, country parks, theatres and venues, museums, galleries, archives and libraries. We have five service areas which form our culture, sport and leisure offering:

  • Sport & Leisure
  • Countryside Adventure
  • Theatre & Venues
  • Libraries
  • Museums, Galleries & Archives

We are ambitious and aim to provide the best services for our customers through the delivery of our vision, mission and strategic aims.